Home™ (MindSpring Memories)

Home™ is an album by MindSpring Memories, first published via Casual Contact Records in 2015 and given a cassette rerelease by theINFINITIpool in 2018.

ArtistMindSpring Memories
Release Type Album
Label Casual Contact Records (Digital)
theINFINITIpool (Cassette)
Catalog Number TIP016
Bandcamp Album
Release Date July 6, 2015[1] (Digital)
December 9, 2018 (Cassette)
Tracks 5
Length 28:59
Styles Slushwave
Tags 80s; 90s; experimental; ambient; chillout; downtempo; dreampunk; healing; labyrinth; new age; phaserwave; plunderphonics; psychedelic; sample-based; slushwave; vaporwave (MindSpring Memories)
ambient; beats; beattape; drone; experimental; hiphop; ambient; chicago; chillwave; eccojams; experimental; indiana; mallsoft; new age; sample based; vaporwave (Casual Contact Records)
ambient; slushwave; vaporwave (theINFINITIpool)
Status Online
MindSpring Memories
Previous Release % 2 0
Next Release


# Tape Track Length
1 A1/B1 ☾nostalgia☾as☾a☾dream 1:52
2 A2/B2 ☾deepest☾sleep 8:16
3 A3/B3 ☾voyager 6:43
4 A4/B4 ☾labyrinth☾of☾static 7:17
5 A5/B5 ライフMIDI - WATERFALL LOBBY THEME (MindSpring Memories remix) 4:51


“…feelings like disappointment, embarrassment, irritation, resentment, anger, jealousy, and fear, instead of being bad news, are actually very clear moments that teach us where it is that we’re holding back. They teach us to perk up and lean in when we feel we’d rather collapse and back away. They’re like messengers that show us, with terrifying clarity, exactly where we’re stuck. This very moment is the perfect teacher, and, lucky for us, it’s with us wherever we are.”
― Pema Chödrön


TODO: Add physical media images.

External Links

  1. MindSpring Memories' Bandcamp page indicates the release was published June 6th, but the page's DatePublished value indicates that is a typo.