Category:Sample-free releases

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Sample-free vaporwave (also known as sampleless vaporwave, nonsampled vaporwave, and self-sampled plunderphonics) combines originally composed music with vaporwave production techniques. Sample-free vaporwave artists typically seek to replicate vaporwave source material, using original composition to create vaporwave as opposed to pre-existing music.

Since the genre's inception, the use of original composition has been utilized as early as releases such as James Ferraro's Far Side Virtual and Blank Banshee's Blank Banshee 0. The most notable example of sample-free vaporwave is ESPRIT 空想's This approach to vaporwave was also utilized in 2814's 新しい日の誕生, which eventually spawned a new genre entirely, Dreampunk. Many electronic artists whose styles overlap with vaporwave are also commonly referred to as "sample-free vaporwave", such as Windows96, FM Skyline, and Eyeliner, to name a few. There are also artists who create both sample-based and sample-free vaporwave, such as t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力者 and desert sand feels warm at night.