North Point Mall

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North Point Mall
ArtistVHS Dreams™
Additional Credits PAR! & drake31217 (Tape Layout)
Release Type Album
Label Colosseum Records
Pool House Ltd.
My Pet Flamingo
Celadon Plaza
Catalog Number CR-03 (Colosseum Records)
PH_2 (Pool House Ltd.)
CEL-S03 (Celadon Plaza)
Bandcamp Album
Release Date September 15, 2014
December 30, 2014 (Colosseum Records)
September 28, 2015 (Anniversary Edition)
October 9, 2018 (My Pet Flamingo)
June 3, 2022 (Celadon Plaza)
Tracks 9
Length 19:15 (Original)
22:38 (Anniversary Edition)

electronic; vaporwave; chillwave; dreamwave; eccojams; electronica; elevator music; muzak; plunderphonics; post-elevator music; wave (VHS Dreams)

cassette; electronic; experimental; vaporwave; eccojams; mallsoft (Colosseum Records)

electronic; chillout; dreamwave; lounge; mallsoft; plunderphonics; vaporwave (Pool House Ltd.)

electronic; future funk; post-vaporwave; vaporwave (My Pet Flamingo)

electronic; barber beats; chillout; chillwave; future funk; lounge; mallsoft; plunderphonics; vaporwave (Celadon Plaza)
Status Online
VHS Dreams™
Previous Release [TODO]
Next Release [TODO]

North Point Mall (originally titled North Point Mall ノースポイントモール) is an album by VHS Dreams™ originally released in 2014. The album was later published on cassette through Colosseum Records, but the release was later removed along with most of the label's contents following a purge of the label. Some copies of the cassette were later sold through the artist's Bandcamp page.

In 2015, an updated version of the album was published on cassette through Pool House Ltd., titled North Point Mall: Anniversary Edition, which included updated artwork along with remastered and reworked tracks. This version was later published on vinyl through My Pet Flamingo. This version of the album was later published on cassette through Celadon Plaza in 2022.


Original Release

# Tape Track Length
1 A1 歓迎
2 A2 North Point Mall ノースポイントモール
North Point Mall North Point Mall
3 A3 Coffee Time コーヒータイム
Coffee Time Coffee Time
4 A4 ファッションモード
Fashion Mode
5 A5 1階
First Floor
6 B1 Discount Weekend 割引の週末
Discount Weekend Discount Weekend
7 B2 Buy Now! 今すぐ購入
Buy Now! Buy Now!
8 B3 Meet her at the Plaza プラザで彼女に会う
Meet her at the Plaza Meet her at the Plaza
9 B4 エグジット

Anniversary Edition

# Vinyl Track Length
1 A1 歓迎 1:56
2 A2 North Point Mall ノースポイントモール 4:18
3 A3 Coffee Time コーヒータイム 2:41
4 A4 ファッションモード 2:26
5 A5 1階 0:52
6 B1 Discount Weekend 割引の週末 3:01
7 B2 Buy Now! 今すぐ購入 2:44
8 B3 Meet her at the Plaza プラザで彼女に会う 3:44
9 B4 エグジット 0:52



このトラックはグランド·セフト·オート·バイスシティにあるノースポイントモールの音楽のサウンドファイルから直接採取したが、私は、著作権トラブルに巻き込まれる可能性があるため、誰にも言うことはありません。このメッセージを読めば、私に連絡し、あなたがしたと言ってください!あなたは私の最も熱心なファンです! :)
This track was taken directly from the music sound files at North Point Mall in Grand Theft Auto Vice City, but I wouldn't tell anyone because I could get into copyright trouble. If you read this message, please contact me and say you did! You are my most enthusiastic fan! :)

Colosseum Records

In this corporate parallel universe of 1995, everything is destined for one thing only: consumption! To consume is to exist! Corporations rule the world, luxuries are brought to every social class, capitalism has reached its ideal form. Everyone lives in this corporate utopia, everyone is happy... or not? VHS Dreams first Vaporwave EP is a satirical take on 80's/90's consumerist culture, it takes you to a day at the Shopping Mall of a utopian (dystopian) alternate era! Through blatant commercialization of sounds and images of classical antiquity mashed with cheap products, North Point Mall is right here for you to -what else- ...BUY!!!

消費量:1995この企業のパラレルワールドでは、すべてが一つのことだけを宛先とする!消費するために存在することです!企業が世界を支配する、贅沢は、すべての社会階級にされる、資本主義は、その理想形に到達している。誰もがこの企業のユートピアに住んでいる、誰もが幸せに...であるか? VHS夢最初Vaporwave EPが80年代/90年代大量消費文化を風刺テイク、それは完璧(ディストピア)元号のショッピングモールで一日が表示されますです!他に何 - - 購入安価な製品との音と古典古代のマッシュポテトの像の露骨な商業化を通じ、ノースポイントモールは右ここにあなたのためです!

Pool House Ltd.


It was in 2014 when VHS Dreams™ set to dismantle the capitalist ideal with his first Vaporwave EP, a satirical take on our culture of blatant consumerism and decadence. Now North Point Mall opens its doors again for a special re-issue. New cover designs and revisions of the tracks that fully represent the artist's original vision, it brings the consumerist mall of the alternate 1995 crashing into your world once again. In this corporate parallel universe everything is destined for one thing only: consumption! To consume is to exist! Corporations rule the world, material luxuries are brought to every social class, capitalism has reached its ideal form. But is everyone really happy, or is happiness another product too?

Visit the North Point Mall once again and grab your shopping bags, cause it's time for consumerist society to consume itself. Available on anniversary edition cassette and digital download! Meet you at the plaza! 一年前、VHS夢は彼の最初のVaporwave EP、露骨な消費者と退廃の私たちの文化の風刺テイクと資本主義の理想を解体するように設定™...しかし、彼は資本主義だけ強くなった...失敗しました。ここ一年後、VHS夢™はノースポイントモールの再発行のために、大量消費の神とステージに戻ります。新しいカバーデザインと完全にアーティストのオリジナルのビジョンを表すトラックの改正は、それが1995年の別の超大量消費モールが再び私たちの世界に激突します。消費:この企業の並列宇宙の万物は一つのことだけのために運命づけられています!消費するために存在することです!企業が世界を支配、贅沢は、すべての社会階級にされる、資本主義は、その理想的なフォームに達しています。しかし、本当に幸せな誰ですか? もう一度ノースポイントモールを訪問し、それは大量消費社会が自分自身を消費するための時間だ原因、あなたのショッピングバッグをつかみます。あなたの贅沢な楽しみのためのコレクターカセットとデジタルDLで利用可能!


My Pet Flamingo

"I always do my shopping at North Point Mall!" ~Another Satisfied Customer

In this corporate parallel universe of 1995, everything is destined for one thing only: consumption. To consume is to exist. Corporations rule the world, luxuries are brought to every social class, capitalism has reached its apex form. Everyone lives in this corporate utopia. Everyone is happy... or are they?

1995年のこの企業のパラレルユニバースでは、すべてが1つの目的、つまり消費のみに向けられています。 消費することは存在する。 企業は世界を支配し、贅沢はすべての社会階級にもたらされ、資本主義は頂点の形に達しています。 誰もがこの企業のユートピアに住んでいます。 誰もが幸せですか...彼らですか?

Celadon Plaza

Celadon Plaza is proud to present this exclusive reissue of the Anniversary Edition of VHS Dreams' Mallsoft Classic, North Point Mall!

Return to the North Point Mall for the first time in 6 years! Grab your shopping bags, and meet your friends at the plaza for special discounts! Don't forget to grab some coffee to keep your energy up as you consume to your heart's desire in this shopping paradise!


TODO: Add physical media images.

External Links

Template:VHS Dreams

Template:Colosseum Records

Template:Pool House Ltd.

Template:My Pet Flamingo