Horizons United

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Horizons United
Owner N/A
Location United States
Opening Date February 14, 2016
Status Inactive
Years Active 2016

Horizon United was a vaporwave label specializing in demos and submissions, releasing both digital and physical. The label went offline at an unknown time, removing both their Bandcamp page and their socials. The owner later put the label's releases put on an archive on Bandcamp. The owner hinted towards a resurrection of the label, but nothing went to fruition.[1]


Date Artist Release
February 16, 2016 MindSpring Memories ❄☁❄☁❄☁❄☁❄
February 28, 2016 INTERNET空隙 SERENITY
March 2, 2016 Neo Life Aqua America 新しいライフスタイル
March 16, 2016 Stevia Sphere Elevator Relaxation Tape 4
March 19, 2016 Neo Life layer 02 - network decay
August 26, 2016 Commodore 64 Digital Void

External Links
