新しいコンピュータのOS 98 (EP)

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新しいコンピュータのOS 98
Artist新しいコンピュータのOS 98
Release Type EP
Label STC Records
Shatterfoil Industries
Bandcamp Album
Release Date February 10, 2015
February 12, 2023 (Cassette)
Tracks 6 (4 + 2 bonus tracks)
Length 12:33

electronic; chillwave; vaporwave (STC Records)

electronic; classic vapor; experimental; michigan; vapor; vaporwave; wisconsin (Shatterfoil Industries)
Status Online
新しいコンピュータのOS 98
Next Release 2

新しいコンピュータのOS 98 (New Computer OS 98) is a self-titled EP and the first release by 新しいコンピュータのOS 98, originally published through STC Records in a limited cassette run. In 2023, 8 years after its release, the EP was republished on cassette through Shatterfoil Industries, which included 2 bonus tracks.


# Track Length
1 オンラインモール/ファッションジュエリー eshopping
Online Mall/Fashion Jewelry eshopping
2 ブー
3 以降を参照してください
See Below
4 コーナー
5 明るい空 (Bonus)
Bright Sky
6 ウェルカムビデオ.MP4 (Bonus)
Welcome Video.MP4


STC Records

Gear up to hear the new OS of 1998!

Shatterfoil Industries

After a surge of popularity in 2014, vaporwave itself was left in a flux as many entered the scene, trying their hand at different ideas as a few of them stuck, carving out what was the path of the genre through the future. There was a level of kitsch around the time preceding and up to the middle of 2016, where these developments allowed oddities and bare flitters of expression to bare through.

新しいコンピュータのOS 98, in its simplicity, is an album that feels as if it could be placed in that odd little space between eras. A time when there were no standards set in place yet for what vaporwave should look, feel, sound, or be like. There was no set definition, yet the releases congregating around that time felt to be vapor, just by extension of their saturation in aesthetics popular to that time. A level of creation that straddled between true effortlessness and an attempt to synthesize it, artificially.

With this re-release of the album, we're glad to be able to bring back the oddities, even cult classics of that odd period of time. Short, wistful flickers of a variety of samples, choosing odd textures of sound and interesting concepts that manage to cohere simply by its connection to a time and place. A more insulated area within the genre.

External Links

Template:STC Records

Template:Shatterfoil Industries