(piss cycle) - 小便周期

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(piss cycle) - 小便周期
Artistd a b i g s p o o k 阴茎
Release Type Album
Label Self-published
Bandcamp Album
Release Date October 31, 2023
Tracks 12
Length 44:12
Styles Parody
Tags baku; electronic; hard; hard vapour; hardvapour; hushwave; spooky; vapour
Status Offline
d a b i g s p o o k 阴茎
Previous Release (when i​’​m bored) - 当​我​无​聊​时
Next Release piss cycle "b-sides"

(piss cycle) - 小​便​周​期 ((piss cycle) - piss cycle) is an album released by d a b i g s p o o k 阴茎. The release's branding is a parody of b e g o t t e n 自杀, more specifically a response to b e g o t t e n 自杀's unexpected comeback album (death cycle) - 死​亡​循​環, released over three weeks prior. The album, along with the rest of the artist's discography, was removed following the artist's presumed death in 2024.


# Track Length
1 (foreshadowing) - 铺垫
(foreshadowing) - bedding
2 (irritable bowel syndrome) - 肠易激综合症
(irritable bowel syndrome) - irritable bowel syndrome
3 (suspicion) - 怀疑
(suspicion) - suspect
4 (torture) - 折磨
(torture) - torture
5 (urinary tract infection) - 尿路感染
(urinary tract infection) - urinary tract infection
6 (tryhard) - 过于努力
(tryhard) - trying too hard
7 (kidney stones) - 肾结石
(kidney stones) - kidney stones
8 (pale) - 苍白
(pale) - pale
9 (doppelganger) - 分身
(doppelganger) - doppelganger
10 (good ending) - 失去童贞
(good ending) - losing virginity
11 (neutral ending) - 面无表情
(neutral ending) - expressionless
12 (bad ending) - 狼人粪便
(bad ending) - werewolf shit


Yet another Halloween album that parodies the work of b e g o t t e n 自杀, this time slightly better in quality compared to any previous work under this alias (or any of my work for that matter).


"I'm Da Big Spook."

I looked at the loser standing in front of me with a smirk on my face and scoffed in his face. "Are you now? That's so funny of you, trying to impersonate my old self when I've clearly moved on from that era of my life. What other tricks do you have up your sleeve?"

I had just finished an unsuccessful show with my totally real band, with several technical difficulties going on during one song alone, and I clearly didn't want to deal with anyone and anything.

He gave me a "I'm serious" look (if you were more social and went to more in-person gatherings, you would know what a "I'm serious" look look like), and crossed his arms like he was being a serious person.

I continued: "Lemme guess, are you also gonna say that you draw fat anime women with Mary Sue type personalities and unrealistically huge boobs? Because I used to do that, too." I obviously wasn't taking him seriously.

He squinted as he looked into my eyes. "You're a very funny man, Smug Duck."

"Ohhh, I know I am. Everyone always thought I was funny," I said sarcastically. "You know what, how about I get you a drink? You look like you need it."

So I took him to the bar. We chatted about life, what we do, and a buncha other stuff that I like totally forgot about. Then we finished our drinks and I was about ready to leave, so I thanked him for coming to the show and getting a laugh out of me.

As I got up, he sat still and looked at me with deathly intent for like a whole half of a minute and during that whole half of a minute he slowly took out a small piece of lined paper and put it in my hand.

I looked down at it and opened it very slowly and carefully. There were words written in it in blue ink. The pen he wrote this message in must've been running out of ink because some stroke were repeated. The message said:


My heart sank and I froze in place and I grew cold and my jaw dropped. Did it actually? I looked up and saw that "gullible" was in fact not on the ceiling. In fact, there was not even a ceiling at all; there wasn't even a sky. All there was was was a giant pumpkin, and it was falling down to the earth at rapid speeds, and strapped to the bottom of it, which was directly above me, was a picture of............???


I woke up, screaming and sobbing out of genuine terror. I immediately hugged my girlfriend next to me while crying, "HELP ME! THE GIANT PUMPKIN IS GONNA KILL ME AND I CAN'T ESCAPE, PLEASE PROTECT ME!!!" But as I embraced her, I realized that she was slightly slimmer than I thought, and a whole lot slimier. That's when I realized that the thing I was embracing was not by big and beautiful girlfriend of my fantasies; it was a giant slug!!! That's when I realized that I don't even have my ideal dream girlfriend, let alone a girlfriend at all. I screamed even more, but not because my nonexistent girlfriend had been replaced by an equally sexy slug, but because this slug had a gun and was going to shoot me! And looking down at us were the three angels of death, clad in their black turtlenecks, joined by their wives, just staring emotionlessly as I faced another death. I could hear the leader of the three say something cruel and unjust to me, but I forgot what he said, and couldn't remember, because right after that, I had been shot in the head by the slug!!!!

...Then I woke up again. I was in a cold sweat, and I was alone in the bed, as per usual. Everything was in its normal state.

I guess I shouldn't have had any of that spiked punch at that Halloween party last night.... #whoops


"Not gonna bother
with writing up a poem;
Too much work for me!"
- d a b i g s p o o k 阴茎

"There's no going back...."

Teledyne Oceanscience Z-Boat® 1800-RP 采用全新加固设计和可互换传感器井,为高分辨率浅水水文测量提供了全新的选择。 在传统方法不可行或不安全的情况下获取多波束测深数据,并避免调动工作船或机会船。 Z-Boat 1800-RP 使用先进的无线电遥测技术来提供远程操作的水文测量。 所有数据均可实时访问,使操作员能够完全控制测量过程。 Z-Boat 导航可使用船上提供的 GNSS 位置和航向轻松进行,并可在操作员位置远程查看。 数据处理可通过 CARIS Onboard™ 进行实时处理。

Z-Boat 1800 的全新加固设计符合 IP67 等级,并采用了用于天线、摄像头和附加传感器安装的模块化甲板结构,使这款 Z-Boat 成为浅海岸测绘应用的理想选择。 坚固耐用的套件还包括一个可互换的传感器槽,可容纳一系列仪器,包括 Teledyne Odom MB1、MB2 和 CV100、各种 Teledyne RDI ADCP 和 Tritech 侧扫声纳。 可以提供定制传感器集成。 传感器可以从车辆下方轻松更换。



P.S., Shoutout to the brave soul who reuploaded an early version of a DBS track from a Halloween compilation album that I completely forgot about. You (and Begotten's return) gave me the inspiration to make this album.

And another shoutout to a guy who put the same version of the same track on a Halloween vaporwave mix. I enjoyed our little chat!

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