Virtual Crime

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Virtual Crime
Release Type Album
Label Marble State
Bandcamp Album
Release Date June 6, 2014
Tracks 16
Length 41:31
Tags electronic; ambient; chillwave; dream; future; internet; seapunk; vaporwave; webpunk
Status Online
Previous Release 九つSplit

Virtual Crime is an album by galaxyboys, published on their "Marble State" collective.


# Track Length
1 welcome 0:51
2 3:03
3 dream window 2:19
4 hydrophobia 5:32
5 above 1:46
6 silent moon 2:53
7 web tours 2:41
8 worry 3:33
9 digital dust 3:40
10 arcade room cult (MV) 1:45
11 silkroad 2:22
12 pixelgardens 2:31
13 alley 1:46
14 legends 3:31
15 rip 2:06
16 goodbye 1:03



Virtual Crime

The new technologies demand new ways of thinking about criminal actions. Working together, police and behavior sciencists are learning to uncover the secret world of criminals. As they are revealed in the virtual reality, where noone is invisible forever.


Track descriptions
welcome w e l c o m e t o v i r t u a l c r i m e 初期化


dream window LUMIVISION 夢 ウィンドウ

Tenryū-ji, Saiho-ji, Ryoan-ji,
Katsura Imperial Villa, Shugaku-in Rikyu

hydrophobia d e e p w e b
above エロアニメ
silent moon ラ゜奚 グェ訤ギェ 億ゑぼほ姚 来びょぴ苩楟, 諥ぴゃ蟨 みょ壪 びご饥壌䋯 毚綦鋨で獤 蟥テ夯 毚綦鋨で獤 秞狨䧥ぎゅぜ 鰧槞 ぎょ綩べ槥し 馦갣榚すさ 夯みゅ 窯こを, みゅ靨ちゅ ツェ褦 餩奤よ槚揣 期リュ㠨ゔ饺 だ苯ビ を樃みょ壪榯 簣樦滦䰯䨺 楥㦵鎌堩狥 けビェ, 栣勤グァ 砥へひゅ婧ㄨ 楥㦵鎌堩狥 ヒャど 栣勤グァ 槚揣 びご饥壌䋯 馦갣榚すさ けビェざだ苯, 廦㧦 ぢ裟大 䤥苨ぎしゅ妦 ぬ韥ぞグェ訤
web tours taking tours

apply now at: 腐敗した···???

worry w d/w
digital dust 公安9課、再び STAND ALONE COMPLEX
arcade room cult ✝ ✝ ✝
silkroad سيلك رود السوق
pixelgardens a m i n u t e a r e a o f i l l u m i n a t i o n o n a d i s p l a y s c r e e n , o n e o f m a n y f r o m w h i c h a n i m a g e i s c o m p o s e d .
alley マネキドリは謡う DECOY
legends ¥ € $
rip 憂国への帰還 ENDLESS ∞ GIG
goodbye s e e y o u l a t e r

External Links
