< 煙
- The following is a page containing assets involved in the creation of 煙.
Samples are taken in full specifically from Stop Smoking, a Steven Halpern compilation CD published in 1997.
# | Track | Sample(s) |
1 | あなたの心に触れます | Steven Halpern - Touch with Your Heart (1989) |
2 | 1に向けて | Steven Halpern - Toward the One (1989) |
3 | 試金石 | Steven Halpern - Touchstone (1984) |
4 | パッヘルベルのカノン (Dメジャーで) | Steven Halpern - Canon in D Major (1988) |
5 | クリスタルスイート | Steven Halpern - Crystal Suite (1988) |
6 | 頌歌 | Steven Halpern - Ode to Orpheus (1994) |
7 | 天体ラプソディ | Steven Halpern - Celestial Prophecy (1994) |
8 | 永遠に | Steven Halpern - Eternally (1994) |
9 | ユア・アイズでライト | Steven Halpern - The Light in Your Eyes (1994) |
10 | パストラル | Steven Halpern - Pastorale (1991) |
11 | 夜明け | Steven Halpern - Dawn (1991) |