computer dreams (computer dreams)

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computer dreams
Artistcomputer dreams
Release Type Album
Label Self-published
SoundCloud Set
Bandcamp Album
Release Date June 1, 2011
Tracks 14 (13 + 1 bonus track)
Length 28:26 (Soundcloud)
30:07 (Bandcamp)

Late; Night; Loop; Slowjam; Drag (Soundcloud)

experimental; post-vaporwave; vaporwave (computer dreams)

experimental; vaporwave (computer slime)
Status Offline
computer dreams
Previous Release silk road
Next Release 永不醒来

computer dreams is a self-titled release by computer slime project computer dreams, released on SoundCloud but being removed within a year. The contents of this release would later be added to the much more well-known split NAPOLIAN / COMPUTER DREAMS, though this personal version contains three exclusive tracks: train station, underwater and waiting. On December 30th, 2019, the album was reuploaded on computer slime's personal Bandcamp, including the track rinse cycle which was previously included on the music of the now age. However, the release was made private along with the rest of the computer slime discography.

In 2022, the release would be restored along with the rest of the artist's original discography but it's removed in 2023 with the rest of the discography of computer slime.


# Track Length
1 all night long 2:21
2 cloudy 2:35
3 drips 2:33
4 hover cars 1:18
5 information highway 2:07
6 late night 2:08
7 low tide 1:33
8 rain 1:39
9 sleep 3:38
10 spheres 1:10
11 train station 2:16
12 underwater 2:43
13 waiting 2:22
14 rinse cycle (Bonus) 1:36


  • The track titles in the SoundCloud upload had capitalization.

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