Geometric Lullaby

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Geometric Lullaby
Owner Dennis Mikula
Location United States
Opening Date April 28, 2017
Status Active
Years Active 2017 - Present

Geometric Lullaby is a vaporwave record label by Dennis Mikula specializing in physical releases. The collective is best known for its dark ambient, post-vaporwave releases.

Dennis Mikula originally started the label after discovering vaporwave. He wanted to release physicals for digital-only projects and albums from artists he wanted to produce new music.[1] He also started up the label after wanting a place to release all his vaporwave aliases.[2]


TODO: Finish Label's Discography
Date Cat # Artist Release
September 29, 2017 N/A Electric Specter 電妖怪 Arctic Circuitry
September 29, 2017 Electric Specter 電妖怪 Cosmic Creator
January 22, 2018 GEO - 001 runescape斯凱利 runescape.wav符文風景骨架
January 29, 2018 GEO - 002 Ezhak Technological Hallucinations II
February 12, 2018 GEO - 003 MindSpring Memories GATEWAY 2000
February 26, 2018 GEO - 004 COSMIC CYCLER feature presentation
March 12, 2018 GEO - 005 b e g o t t e n 自杀 (life cycle) - 生命週期
March 26, 2018 GEO - 006 Infinite Leisure 愛の夢
May 14, 2018 GEO - 007 W ̄ ̄ 该水总把它带走
May 21, 2018 GEO - 008 Kanal 8 & Yodobashi Camera ヨドバシカメラ Огляд погоди на каналі 8 - テレビ天気
May 28, 2018 GEO - SP01 Polygon Dream Zeldawave // 近藤 浩治 // OOT
June 4, 2018 GEO - 009 天気予報 雰囲気
June 11, 2018 GEO - 010 b e g o t t e n 自杀 (hushwave) - 治愈它
June 25, 2018 GEO - 011 Sidewalks and Skeletons THE VOID (Offline)
July 2, 2018 GEO - 012 nofriendsonline Welcome to the Craft Store​!​®
July 9, 2018 GEO - 013 Electric Dreams e c o s p h e r e
July 16, 2018 GEO - 014 Dissociate: 解離 I: 花鳥風月
July 23, 2018 GEO - 015 b e g o t t e n 自杀 (phantom psalms) - 幻影诗篇
September 10, 2018 GEO - 016 Sangam Swallowed Into The Abyss
September 17, 2018 GEO - 017 First Kings Water Birth
September 24, 2018 GEO - 018 疑心暗鬼 死と生は同じです (death and life are the same)
October 1, 2018 GEO - 019 Dissociate: 解離 II: 鏡花水月
October 8, 2018 GEO - 020 b e g o t t e n 自杀 (happy anniversary) - 周年快乐
October 15, 2018 GEO - 021 Kind Mr. S Mint 400 Social Club
October 22, 2018 GEO - 022 MindSpring Memories Now I Lay Me Down In Dreamland
December 10, 2018 GEO - 023 دل ستاره دار
December 17, 2018 GEO - 024 Dissociate: 解離 III: 酔生夢死
December 24, 2018 GEO - 025 b e g o t t e n 自杀 (forgive and forget) - 原谅和忘记
February 25, 2019 GEO - 026 M y s t e r yミステリー 愛の悪夢
March 4, 2019 GEO - 027 Hantasi < _ >
March 4, 2019 GEO - 027 Hantasi Tusop®
March 11, 2019 GEO - 028 仙侠 三百年前

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