R & B

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R & B
Release Type Album
Label Self-published
Bandcamp Album
YouTube Stream
Release Date April 12, 2013 (Original)
October 9, 2016 (Remaster)
Tracks 14
Length 24:23
Tags american vaporwave; experimental; glitch; vaporwave; vapour (Original)
2013vapor; american vaporwave; experimental; vapour (Remaster)
Status Online
Previous Release Hotel In Space
Next Release neo n

R & B is an album by Hantasi. The album was given a full remaster titled R & B (Remastered) in October 2016, and also given a cassette release as a part of the "HantasiBox" box set late that year.


# Track Length
1 M E M O R I E S 1:09
2 B A B Y 1:55
3 L I S T E N 1:14
4 S E N S A T I O N S 1:13
5 T O U C H 1:55
6 G I R L 1:23
7 O N L Y 1:18
8 R E L A T I O N S H I P 1:52
9 C H I L D 3:00
10 P A S S I O N 1:22
11 V I B E 1:58
12 R E N D E Z V O U S 2:07
13 L O V E 2:17
14 B O Y 1:31


  • The remaster of the album drops the all-caps Unicode full-width text, replacing it with standard title caps (e.g. M E M O R I E S becoming Memories).
  • Sonically, the remaster is much louder and crisper with an added tape-hiss effect as well.

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